Dear Mr Kruger
I have now exhausted all avenues to discuss matters with
your Bank in an effort to settle the matter in a civil matter. Once again Mr
Kruger you esteem bank managers and clerks have blocked me from information
needed to evaluate the case.
Yes Mr Kruger I am still talking about the case where
Standard Bank insured a construction company, with exclusions of construction.
Still the same claim, that Standard Bank insurance refuse to accommodate or
take any responsibility for, where the lack of service from Standard Bank has
caused the escalation of the problem.
Mr Kruger I am still alleging that incompetent management and
the lack of essential service has caused huge damages to me, one of your
clients Mr Kruger. The same case Mr Kruger where the lack of control from you
insurance department caused innocent workers to lose their jobs. I know this
does not rate as a problem at Standard Bank as these workers would never have
made money for you Mr
Kruger, they would never have the ability to finance
vehicles, overdrafts and other bank services that create income for Standard
Bank. Yes Mr Kruger we all know that these people and the upliftment of their
communities does not matter to Standard Bank, it does not matter that if poor
people in South Africa cannot eat due the a huge error of a air-conditioned
dweller in an office. As long as the lack of service does not influence the
bank clerks salary, as long as they do
not need to go hungry for a day.
These managers claimed that they did phone me to explain the
insurance, so I asked them to send me the recording of the call where they
discussed the new contract with me. I was then told that I need a court order
to listen to the alleged tape, yes Mr Kruger the one with my voice on, the one
that give them the right to deduct the premiums from my bank account. Yes Mr
Kruger I need a court order to listen to that tape. You probably asking why
this small business owner would want to listen to a contract tape, it is a
valid question. Let me explain to you Mr Kruger, if that recording exists I
will take full responsibility for the failure of the claim. You see Mr Kruger I
have been brought up in an Afrikaner home, where we take full accountability
and responsibility for all our actions. I am aware that these values of
accountability do not exist any longer in our country, and yes Mr Kruger I
apologies if I insisted on basic values that Standard Bank does not uphold. I
apologies if my call of duty was above the code of conduct of Standard Bank.
Once again when you tell the people to resolve a matter and
get rid of unwanted publications, be careful, you know the story where the
general tell the brigadier and so it went down the line to the troop who had
nobody to blame so he kicked the dog (the client in your situation). Remember that
this client will not get kicked without retaliation.
Your worker did refer me to the ombudsman Mr Kruger, but as
we all know this process take months to resolve, months that we do not have.
However Mr Kruger if Standard Bank do not have the means to pay the insurance
out at this point, please make an arrangement, don’t refer me a time stalling
Yes Mr Kruger the only thing this unimportant client want
from the bank is the right to listen to the alleged recording, to conclusion of
the contract. If the recording explain to me that this insurance policy exclude
me the construction company from construction, then I am responsible for the
problem, then I am the man who caused innocent workers to lose their jobs.
So Mr Kruger can you please tell you esteem managers to send
me a copy of the recording
I count on your personal sense of responsibility and
accountability to resolve this matter for me
Thank you for your personal time resolving this issue
Have a great and wealthy day
Regards in accountability and responsibility
Willie Beetge
I also have problems and agree that their service is bad